Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and APD
This is finally getting the coverage it deserves. Sound therapy is excellent for assisting with this.
My Personal Experience
When I was at school my headmaster recognised that I had dyslexia but he concluded that I would muddle through. Which is what I did. Until I was lucky enough to visit the Tomatis Centre in Paris in 1985. There I completed a listening course as well as a singing course with Prof.Tomatis. Once I returned home I enrolled in a University and was able to complete the course I had embarked on. I must admit I did not feel any different but I was certainly able to read more than ever before. I cannot say that Dyslexia is ever really cured, but it certainly can be improved upon. Both my children suffer with the same affliction and I have used the Sound Therapy programmes for both of them. I treated my daughter when she was 12 years old and she is a brilliant reader and writer. My son is still in process of completing his programme but already we have seen an improvement. I think they are lucky, I wish I had had the therapy at an earlier age.
ADHD can be a challenge to manage, click this link to see what else is available to assist with ADHD.
APD is the new kid on the block.
Parents and teachers are using this label to explain a learning behaviour, which is fast becoming an epidemic. Auditory Processing Disorder happens when a child is unable to process information at speed. They tend to drop vital information and are usually either unaware that they lost information or they are too shy to ask to have the information repeated. I have found that many of the children I have seen fall into this category and having a The Genetic Brain Profile done helps the parents and teachers to understand the child, hence packaging information in a more accessible format for that child. Often these children are anxious that they will not have all the information and the anxiety actually acts against them, slowing down the processing speed which leads to the problems they experience. Filtered Sound therapy goes a long way to enhance the speed of processing, often by reducing anxiety.
What is ADD/ADHD?
These are labels given to patterns of behaviour. It is not an illness, although doctors will liken it to asthma in order to encourage parents to medicate the same way one would medicate an illness. ADD is in fact not a deficit of attention other but excess of attention, these children are unable to focus and block out extraneous noise and movement.
ADHD is quite different; these children find it very hard to be still. This is due to an underdeveloped vestibular system. The vestibular system is stimulated through movement. Hence these children move to stimulate their own brain in order to function better. These children also often present with Low Muscle Tone and Dyspraxia.
Why do people develop ADD ADHD?
There are a number of reasons one of which is pollution, many children have elevated levels of heavy metals. The other big factor is stress or anxiety, this is as toxic to the system as chemicals are. Then we have physical trauma, developmental delays, illness, in fact any trauma that stops the brain from integrating may cause a delay in maturation and hence a delay in learning. Another issue would be for example children who have problems in bonding with their mother, 'attachment theory' they may develop learning or processing difficulties. This could be due to stress during pregnancy or post-partum depression after the birth. Children whose parents and/or grandparents smoke, are more susceptible to ADD/ADHD and other learning difficulties. Children who have been vaccinated and who are sensitive to mercury and/or aluminium run a higher risk of developing learning difficulties.
Who suffers with learning disorders?
All children may be affected by ADD/ADHD depending on their sensitivity to stress, pollutants and the other variables mentioned.
The filtered Sound therapy works brilliantly to calm ADHD Children and improves brain integration for those who have processing disorders like APD. read more