I was so happy with the pregnancy program, I went back for the my second and third child.
I could see that it helped my children with their learning. They were calm, happy babies.
I would recommend it to any mum.

Robert was slow to be toilet trained. He did not want to go out to the shops or have any interaction with the outside world. ‘I was too tired to pay attention to what was happening to him. The school called me in to talk about Robert’s progress, they were worried about his having difficulty with socialising and that he was very delayed in all his learning skills. We took him to the centre and he was unable to be tested, he was so miserable. We started a programme of filtered sound therapy and there have been dramatic changes every day since then. He has been diagnosed with mild Asperges Syndrome. Robert is now interacting with his classmates and is not scared to try new things in the class. He is still in process but we can see incredible changes that have happened so fast. We have also addressed the subject of heavy metal toxicity and this has sped up the improvement for both of us. I, Debbie, suffered with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the chelation has brought me back to life. Noeline is full of useful information and she has helped us consistently. We had a very bleak future ahead of us, with many different therapies to have to follow. We have come such long way and we are so grateful to have known about the music centre.
Today Robert attends the Bridging Centre run by Linda Tucs and is doing very well.

My son, Alexander is 12 years old in Grade 7 at the Michael Mount Waldorf School. At the beginning of the year, he was referred by his class teacher for the Family Focus assessment. The motivation behind this is two fold - one of Alex’s biggest challenges has always been to multitask in class (listen, look, write or copy). He also struggles to follow multiple instructions and would often forget something, thus having to have to ask again (we always thought that this was just a “boy” thing)! His teacher said that the Brain Integration Test would reveal more of how his brain works and how best we could assist him.
The test itself was quick and non-invasive. The feedback gave us amazing insight. I finally learned how my son sees the world, how he learns and exactly why he does things like he does. The feedback also highlighted another significant matter – the fact that his eyes track from right to left … go figure!! This would always make it difficult for Alex to follow written instructions (especially in an exam situation). It was also astonishing to hear what he likes to do, who he doesn’t trust, what he should be doing, what makes him tick and more importantly – just how challenging it must be in the classroom, trying your best and not making progress.
The lights had finally been switched on for us.
In addition to this assessment, we met with Dr Ford who agreed that Alex should go through the chelation process in order for all the treatment to be effective as possible. He prescribed pills and suppositories over a 6 week period. We also invested in removing our existing water “filter” system, to installing a proper water purifier. (Refer to Directory for details).
Our next step was to embark on the Sound therapy programme – 6 hours a week! It was time consuming and not always easy to slot into a week with two children. Despite the “squeaky” music, we enjoyed the time together; playing games, talking, doing puzzles and generally catching up on photo albums, lists, etc and things that we normally don’t have time for. Within a short time, I had feedback from the teachers that Alex was more focused and settled in the lessons. Within two weeks, we saw a change in his test results. From always just scraping through, he started to get over 80% and was feeling confident about it too. After a month, he very excitedly came home to say that he had just scored 100%! He has been more independent with homework, and has successfully got the work done with diligence. Academically, he has gone from strength to strength.
Interestingly, we also noticed a social difference. Normally, Alex is a young man who has a group of friends, and their “leader” makes most of their decisions and plans. He told us that this friend, who he hugely admires, was irritating him and he is not going to be told what to do anymore. They had a few disagreements, which were sorted out, but in the process Alex has appeared far more confident and self-assured.
He has told me that he “feels better”. He feels that his work has more clarity, new situations and tasks feel easier. His face and demeanour are different – more grown up and mature looking. The most wonderful aspect of this process is that he has reached a realization of his potential, that he is quite capable and with a bit of hard work and determination, can achieve what the other kids achieve and not feel that he is at a disadvantage.
Tammy, 15 years old was struggling at school. I was at my wits end with her. She was unable to focus and seemed to be in a permanent dream state. No one could connect with her. She had switched off so profoundly that I worried how I would ever reach her. I took her to see Noeline for an assessment and she suggested the Sound therapy. These are the differences that I saw in her performance, just after 20 sessions.
‘She has woken up to the world, she is interacting with her classmates and her personality is coming out. She is asking more question about the world, how things operate, what’s going on.
She is more confident and more expressive, shares opinions, ideas, wishes etc. She has become more assertive and does not back out of conflict as she used to, she challenges me more and speaks her mind, she has become more rebellious (in a healthy teenage way). Generally she is more comfortable with herself and is thinking more for herself, she is analysing people and the world and is finding solutions to handle problems. I see a very big change. Thank you’
James, age 11 was brought for an assessment because the school had complained that there were issues that needed to be dealt with. James was unable to concentrate and he was disrupting his classmates. His teachers wanted immediate action and they recommended that he see a neurologist and start on Ritalin. His mother took him to Noeline for an assessment, Noeline suggested Sound therapy. James suffered with Asperges syndrome and he really found the first few days difficult. The progress was slow but sure. His mother said: ‘ I saw a definite increase in James’ (not his real name) tolerance levels, he was not as irritable. He began to see cause and effect and act upon it. I could reason with him, which was not possible before. He began to be able to concentrate. James was moved to a remedial school while we worked with him. It did take two years, but by the end of that time, James was able to be main streamed and is doing very well. He is able to concentrate and is managing school well, with his self-esteem intact. He did not need any drugs.
John (not his real name) age 6 was taken to Noeline for a brain profile. During that time Noeline realized that there were other issues contributing to John’s learning problems. Noeline suggested that we visit Dr.Ford to have John chelated and that we begin Sound therapy. We did as she suggested and it has just been three months and John is a different child. I have had him in a small remedial school and his teachers cannot believe that he has improved in such a short time. His physiotherapist can see a huge improvement in his development. I am astounded at how fast he improved and how well he is doing at school.
I am a play therapist and work with children everyday who have learning challenges. I was so impressed with John’s improvement that I have considered taking some of Noeline’s training courses.