Nature Fresh

People from all walks of life have something to say about their health. We are interested in any therapies and substances that can be used to enhance our health and wellbeing. If something works for you, please share your ideas with us. If you are the victim of a disorder that has consumed your life savings, tell us about it. You will be automatically linked to other people with similar problems or to someone who may have a good solution for your particular condition.
We have a very close relationship with all our customers and have formulated specific products for health practitioners and people who are sensitive to just about everything. Four years ago, in response to public complaints about fluoride in toothpaste, NATURE FRESH began to manufacture a herbal fluoride- free toothpaste for supermarkets in South Africa. We now have many fine natural products available commercially and are continually developing formulations to help people with various health problems. These include osteoporosis, psoriasis, oral and personal hygiene and some challenging skin conditions. Our formulations contain only natural and safe ingredients. As we aim to keep costs down, packaging and distribution is kept as simple and direct as possible. We do not advertise extensively because it is your money we would be spending.
Our information is freely available to everybody, being the result of more than twenty years of comprehensive health research. Apart from making editorial contributions to different publications, we are writing a book. Radio and TV interviews with us have sparked off many lively conversations about controversial issues such as fluoride. Furthermore, the public have enjoyed free lectures on natural ways to improve their health.

Please note that this information should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure a condition without the consent of your doctor. Seek advice if you are pregnant, epileptic and diabetic or have high blood pressure or a heart complaint. You are responsible for the health and safety of your family.
Most health issues today seem to centre on stress and fatigue. As a result, we lack that old “get up and go” feeling, that invincible, all-powerful impetus to sustain a day of combined work and pleasure right into the night. In the research that that I have compiled, the full scientific references, related papers and quotations are available on request at our website . We have developed MEGAMAX, a tonic formulation for stressed out men and women. The veggiecaps are made out of selected herbs with L-arginine. It can help to restore vigour to your life and improve circulation (everywhere!), due to the way it releases nitric oxide. Furthermore, natural phytomones help to prevent an excessive estrogen build-up in fatty tissue from causing weight gain, moodiness, heart problems, etc. Selected herbs also boost immunity, support the adrenal, prostate and urinary systems and trigger the release of testosterone. Women use very little testosterone, but it serves as a precursor to restoring safer forms of estrogen (HRT) as and when it is needed. This formulation is a very exciting alternative to aphrodisiacs or hormone suplements because it works quickly and has many other benefits for both men and women who are under a lot of stress.
For a more complete descrition of the remarkable product that helps prevent the harmful sideaffects of stress you can find out more here on Narure Fresh's website or contact them at these details:
tel:(+27) 021 709 0050
fax:(+27) 021 709 0051
[email protected]